Steve McKenzie Newsletter
January 19, 2021
Steve McKenzie: The 2021 J.J.M. Roberts Lecturer in Old Testament Studies
We are pleased to announce that Steven L. McKenzie will present the J.J.M. Roberts lecture in Old Testament Studies at the 2021 CSC. McKenzie is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Religious Studies and the Spence L. Wilson Research Fellow at Rhodes College. He has authored and edited numerous books, commentary series, encyclopedias, and study Bibles, but is perhaps most widely known for King David: A Biography (2000). He co-founded the Deuteronomistic History Section at the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting and has served on numerous editorial boards, including the Journal of Biblical Literature, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and Vestus Testamentum.

Director's Comments
I am especially pleased that the Roberts' Section Committee has made another excellent selection in naming Steven L. McKenzie as the 2021 lecturer. A graduate of Abilene Christian University and Harvard (ThD) he has appeared on television and in radio interviews as a consultant on King David and reading and interpreting the Bible. His current projects include writing the commentary on the book of Jonah for the Anchor Bible. Not only does McKenzie follow Roberts' track in academic preparation (ACU and Harvard) but he now joins the ranks of a remarkable group of top quality scholars who have lectured at the CSC under Roberts' name:
2015 Choon-Leong Seow, Princeton University, "The Book of Job in its Cultural Milieu"
2016 Chip Dobbs-Allsopp, Princeton Theological Seminary, "Isaiah's Love Song: A Reading of Isa 5:1-7"
2017 Carol Newsom, Candler School of Theology, "Making Moral Agents in Biblical Israel: Alternative Strategies for Alternative Visions"
2018 Carol Meyers, Duke University, "The 'Gender Gap': Textual and Archaeological Images of Israelite Women"
2019 Katharine Dell, University of Cambridge, "Woman Wisdom and Her Afterlife"