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Mission and World Christianity

Evangelism and History in World Christianity

When: June 8, 2023, 9:00 am - Thursday

Where: LTL Main Hall

Session 3

Session Abstract

Missiology includes wide-ranging scholarship on the world Christian movement. Among the essential components of world Christian studies are historiography and assessment of contemporary trends. Accordingly, this session combines historical work on both Asian Christianity and Restoration Movement missiology with contemporary reflection on the future of theological education in one African context.

Paper Abstracts

Nadia Andrilenas, Baylor University, “Elite Vietnamese Women and European Jesuits: Indispensable Allies for the Survival of Christianity in 17th century Vietnam by Nadia Andrilenas”

Jesuits claim the limelight in historical memory for establishing Christianity in Vietnam in the seventeenth century, yet their success would not have been possible without elite Vietnamese women as converts and patrons. Each brought expectations of gender, and religious and political influence which shaped how and why they became partners in establishing Christianity in the context of civil war and the vibrant spiritual landscape of Vietnam. This paper will look to examples of elite first-generation Vietnamese Christian women and the early Jesuits who depended on their patronage and leadership to sustain the nascent Christian community in Vietnam.


David Chrisna, Baylor University, “Journey to the East: A Search for a Historiography of Asian Christianity in the World Christianity Discourse”

In contrast to Africa and Latin America, no historian has offered a historiography that specifically represents the history of Christianity in Asia as a whole from the perspective of Asian Christians. By considering the uniqueness of the Asian context and juxtaposing it with the historiography proposed by Latin American and African historians, I argue that the diversity of Asian religions, the history of transnational Asian religions, and encounters between religions in Asia are factors that cannot be separated from Asian history and, thence, must also underlie any historiography of Christianity in Asia.


Monty L. Lynn and Derran Reese, Abilene Christian University, “‘Oh, Will You Not Tell It Today?’ What Twentieth-Century Churches of Christ Sang about Missions”

What twentieth-century members of Churches of Christ sang to one another about missions informed, reinforced, and reflected their congregational perspectives and practices. We examine fifty-four popular missions hymns from Churches of Christ hymnals and identify thirty-nine themes that encourage worshippers to respond urgently and empathetically to spiritual distress, near and far. Hymnic themes resonate with missions activities among twentieth-century Churches of Christ and provide insight into the missions ethos of congregations.


Sam Twumasi-Ankrah and Nathan Bills, Heritage Christian College (Accra, Ghana), “Leadership Effectiveness in Christian Academic Institutions in Africa: A Reflection on Heritage Christian College in Accra, Ghana”

The 2011–13 Global Survey on Theological Education report noted a profound lack of theological schools in areas of the world where Christianity is experiencing rapid growth. This deficit points to a growing need for effective leadership in these schools. This presentation identifies leadership attributes necessary for effective Christian academic leadership, with special reference to the African context, by highlighting three specific areas of leadership that shape the practice of effective leaders across Christian institutions.


Jeremy Hegi, Lubbock Christian University, Convener

  • Nadia Andrilenas, Baylor University, “Elite Vietnamese Women and European Jesuits: Indispensable Allies for the Survival of Christianity in 17th century Vietnam"
  • David Chrisna, Baylor University, “Journey to the East: A Search for a Historiography of Asian Christianity in the World Christianity Discourse”
  • Monty L. Lynn and Derran Reese, Abilene Christian University, “‘Oh, Will You Not Tell It Today?’ What Twentieth-Century Churches of Christ Sang about Missions”
  • Sam Twumasi-Ankrah and Nathan Bills, Heritage Christian College (Accra, Ghana), “Leadership Effectiveness in Christian Academic Institutions in Africa: A Reflection on Heritage Christian College in Accra, Ghana”

Join us in 2025!

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James Cone with conferee at the CSC in 2017

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Pulitzer Prize winner Marilynne Robinson delivering the CSC plenary address

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Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), delivering the CSC plenary address.

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US Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith delivering the CSC plenary address

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David Brooks engaging conferees during breakfast at the CSC

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