No Small Endeavor featured as the Hooper Plenary Event
March 9, 2023
We're pleased to announce that No Small Endeavor (formerly the Tokens Show) will join the Christian Scholars' Conference on Thursday evening, June 8 as the Robert E. and Bonnie Cone Hooper plenary event. Founder and host Lee C. Camp, professor of theology and ethics at Lipscomb University, will be accompanied by special guest N.T. Wright, as well as a bus full of musicians who will make their way westward from Nashville.
This marks the 14th consecutive year the ensemble will join the conference. It's been a vibrant history, one that we have cherished and celebrated, typically a highlight of three fabulous days of conference going. For those of you who are new to the Christian Scholars' Conference, the program was founded in 2008 by Lee as a live, staged variety show, which premiered on the Lipscomb campus and continues its partnership with the university today. The show began weekly public radio broadcasts in Nashville starting in 2020, and begins national syndication through PRX this year.
When Lee first whispered about a "crazy idea," I knew his idea would likely turn brilliant, so I soon booked the show for the CSC ~ for what was probably Tokens' second or third performance. Tokens - and now No Small Endeavor - has become a beloved staple of the CSC, an evening in mid-conference to relax, refresh and hear conference themes in artistic and creative ways. We've traveled together to Malibu, Abilene, Lubbock, and now Houston to the Lanier Theological Library and Learning Center. It has been a mutually beneficial and joyful partnership, and I know this will be a plenary event you won't want to miss!

Director's Note
Lee (pictured below) tells me that he is so excited about the forthcoming show that he has already packed his one Texas-cowboy-embroidered shirt to go to Houston, and is delighted to be producing a brand-new show entitled "Eschatology Songs." And, he's asking CSC attendees to crowd-source song ideas. I am about to enter one or two of my favorites. Before I do, what are your favorite songs, poems, or other artistic expressions that point to the creation made new, the consummation of all things set right, that respond to the question, "What will be our future?" Special bonus points for well-known Americana, folk, bluegrass, or classic American rocks songs. Click here to make your suggestions.
Learn more about No Small Endeavor here, or subscribe to the No Small Endeavor podcast here. I look forward to seeing you in June!
David F