Mark Your Calendar

September 5, 2023

Mark your calendar for the

2025 Thomas H. Olbricht Christian Scholars Conference

June 4-6, 2025

Hosted by

Abilene Christian University

Abilene, Texas

Greetings from West Texas and the campus of Abilene Christian University – host of the 2025 Thomas H. Olbricht Christian Scholars’ Conference.

CSC will be June 4-6 on our Abilene campus. The theme this year is Curating Community: Recovering our Connections in a Divided World.

Plenary sessions will focus on civic engagement, the changing nature (and unchanging mission) of Christian higher education, experiences of different faculty groups on college campuses, and the role of joy and encouragement in our lives as Christian scholars. Dr. Shirley Hoogstra (past-president of the CCCU) will help us open the conference with a perspective on the opportunities and responsibilities we have as Christian scholars. Dr. Cornel West and Dr. Robert George will wrap up the conference in a plenary session about dialogue, conversation, charity and brotherhood in our common life, communication, politics and communities. We’ll share updates about additional plenary speakers in future communication.