Major Book Review: Leonard Allen, In the Great Stream: Imagining Churches of Christ in the Christian Tradition (Abilene Christian University Press, 2021)
When: June 8, 2022, 2:45 pm - Wednesday
Where: Ezell 136
Session 2
Session Abstract
Since rejection of Christian tradition has defined Churches of Christ for most of their history, some readers of Leonard Allen’s new book—In the Great Stream: Imagining Churches of Christ in the Christian Tradition—may think he is pushing an impossible vision, like asking us to imagine that up is down and down is up. But for Allen—who frames this book around the biblical text, Christian theology, and Christian history—the great Christian tradition can bring the gifts that Churches of Christ most desperately need.
John Mark Hicks, Lipscomb University, Convener
- Arthur Sutherland, Loyola University, MD, Senior Scholar, Reviewer
- Heather Gorman, Johnson University, Reviewer
- Laura Locke Estes, Pepperdine University, Reviewer
- C. Leonard Allen, Lipscomb University, Respondent